Worldwide, 45.8 million are victims of human trafficking.
This sanctuary home supported by World’s Children takes in at-risk girls including girls rescued from trafficking.

Saved in the nick of time
World’s Children sponsors children who have been rescued from trafficking and exploitation. This photo shows two children who were rescued from the streets of India by one of the orphanages we support. Divya and Rajiv [seated front row center] were almost sold by their mother…
READ THIS TRUE STORY Education and awareness can prevent child trafficking.
Traffickers are the enemy, and together we are going to take the fight to them. You can help make it impossible for them to kidnap women and girls in villages located in central India.

Child Trafficking Prevention Project
World’s Children is funding a Child Trafficking Prevention Program in India. Since 2017 this program has created 182 villages in India that are now safe for women and girls. Armed with the knowledge about how traffickers dupe women or simply snatch unwatched girls, these communities are now aware and vigilant.
With a blanket of watchful eyes, we believe child trafficking can be stopped in targeted areas. In the first three-year phase, the PCT Program reached a a total population of about 151,000 people. In the second three-year phase now underway, the PCT team has set a goal of reaching 393,629 people In Telangana, India.
This program is so successful, we plan to expand it to more villages in the future.