These testimonials are from long time sponsors and donors who know World’s Children well. It is an honor to work with these dedicated individuals and we will do our best to live up to their commendations.~ The World’s Children Staff
Kim and Berne -sponsoring for 20 years

We have been sponsoring students through WC for 20 years. We started by having our 6th grade Sunday school class sponsor one girl in India as an opportunity to reach out beyond themselves. Over the years we have seen “our girls” graduate or move on and are currently sponsoring 4 girls, 2 of them in graduate school. We are very blessed by being a part of this organization.
The staff are very friendly and organized, making us feel like we are one big family. The funds are meticulously accounted for and handled, and they definitely know how to get the most bang for the buck. They are intimately involved with the homes in which they have sponsored children, taking a very “hands-on” approach to management, definitely from the heart. Not only are they concerned that the minimum sponsorship is paid for the most number of students, but they go above and beyond in inquiring, defining, and providing funds for extra needs – needs that for those of us in America would NOT be considered “extra.”
Our communications with the office in Oregon are handled professionally and promptly. Regular newsletters keep us informed and interested in the service(s) provided by WC. A relationship between us and our sponsored girls is fostered by the staff in every way possible. We get endearing, heartfelt letters from the girls often and their sentiments expressed are extremely touching. We are provided excellent, regular progress reports and pictures in addition to personal cards and letters from the girls. The monthly sponsorship fee is very reasonable, the service provided is organized, trustworthy, and vital, and the atmosphere set by the staff is professional, sincere, and confidence-inspiring.
In partnership with WC, we feel we really are making a difference in these girls’ lives. We have never regretted the money spent or the confidence we have placed in WC to use that money wisely. We have placed World’s Children in our will in order to make sure our girls continue to have the money they need to continue their education. ~ Kim
Volunteer, sponsor, former board member visited WC orphanages in India

Many years ago, I was going to India to be part of a wedding party and would have some free time on my hands. I reached out to the many list serves I was on, asking if anyone knew of an organization helping orphaned children in India, AND that would be willing to speak with me during my stay and possibly give me a tour of an orphanage so I could see for myself how the children were cared for, and how the organization interfaced with the admin of each orphanage.
I met David Purviance in India, who provided a wonderful experiential learning opportunity by meeting with me for 2 days, dropping me at one orphanage per day, and allowing me to just be with the children and learn from the administration how they cared for the children during the day. It was amazing and touched my heart.
Upon my return to the US, I was a changed woman. I knew I had to get involved, but I was not sure exactly how. I contacted David again and let him know I wanted to go back to India, I wanted to raise a little funds for a service project, and I wanted it to be with World’s Children. I was permitted to get involved with 5 orphanages in the area where I was going, and interview staff, admin, and some children. I spent several weeks doing that, and what I learned was quite amazing.
World’s Children not only provides for the basic needs of a child, but they ensure their emotional, educational, and health needs are met as well. They celebrate each and every child’s birthday! They help them go to college! They build water wells, clean toilets, dorms, school buildings, and kitchens. They teach them to sing and dance and pray. In these orphanages the children are really happy. It is truly wonderful to see an organization with such passion for what they do. The staff are incredible testimonies in their Loving Service Consciousness approach to life.
I joined the Board of Directors a few years later and was just as struck by the integrity on the inside of the organization. They provide 80% of ALL their funds directly overseas. That is an amazing feat, if you understand anything about organizational overhead costs. This means that all of their salaries, admin costs, office supplies, etc., etc., add up to about $20% of budget! As a previous Executive Director, this is very impressive. Be assured that your donations are going to serve the Highest Good of the children and their orphanages.
If you are seeking a great organization to support, this is the one for you! You can choose to support a child, a home, a project, a garden, purchase a cow, or a lovely birthday party. You choose how to be involved. I like that. ~ Loretta
Sponsoring for over 36 years
We joined World’s Children when our two daughters were young – which was at least 36 years ago. We wanted our children to learn about other children who led different lives. We started with dear Usha who grew up and left the program. Over the years we have increased the number we sponsor to four. Our daughters now have their own families and each family sponsors children through World’s Children.
The children write lovely letters and are so appreciative to have this chance in life. The staff is like family that can easily be contacted by email or a phone call. The love that Dave and Jean feel for these children spreads to all of us in their long informative letters. They are concerned about every aspect of the child and know many of them personally. Because of World’s Children many with little hope find a caring place in which to grow and learn. ~ Jim and Marsha
Board member who has visited WC orphanages in India

I first learned about Worlds Children over 10 years ago when my wife and I traveled throughout India with the director and his wife. We have been back several times since! We visited many of the orphanages where the sponsored children live. Without the monthly sponsor money most of these children would be living on the streets, begging for food. We saw happy thriving children with compassionate loving staff members providing food, housing, education and clothes. So little goes a long way in India.
The Worlds Children staff is highly efficient and effective in delivering the needed funds and in managing a very complex supervisory system. I am amazed at how well they maintain contact with orphanage administrators, the children, and each donor. Every detail from food/nutrition, clothing, birthday recognition, education and housing is well managed. A growing element of Worlds Children is education with over 200 children receiving scholarship funds to attend college. Vocational training is also important and an emphasis is being made to help make each and every children “self sufficient”. ~ Patrick
Growing up in a WC sponsoring family
[We emailed this new sponsor asking how she found WC.] It is so nice to have a personal email from someone who is not an automated response. I am happy to share with you that my father has been sponsoring children for 49 years with your organization. I know this because he just shared a wonderful hand-written letter from the son of your founder, who was so kind to take the time to send a thank you letter to him.
I grew up seeing photos of children that my parents sponsored. It was a constant reminder of how blessed we are to live in this country and all that we take for granted. It has been a personal goal of mine to start sponsoring a child so that my own children would see the importance of helping other children who need our assistance. My only regret is that I did not do this sooner. It has been so incredibly rewarding to see the quick response, and know how we are helping make a difference to this child. It is inspiring to know that I am helping educate another girl who deserves an education regardless of her gender.
It was hard to read the reality of how women and girls are so devalued in India. This is not news to me, however the startling statistic of 1.2M girls who are living in brothels is unbelievable. My children have always attended a Montessori school from pre-school through 3rd grade. They have had Indian friends, primarily families whose fathers are here working on US Visa’s and clearly of a class that is far above the average family in India. It is easy to forget the plight of so many in India, when locally here we have Indian friends that are in very different circumstances.
What else can we do for your organization? What is the best way to get the word out?
Thank you for all of your hard work and determination to make a TRUE difference in the world! Keep it up and let all those at World Children know that people like myself are grateful that your organization is able to do the important out reach so that those of us who are really only able to cut a check, can do so with excitement and help those less fortunate. ~ Christine
Sponsors since 1976
We began as sponsors through World’s Children in 1976, and have had many Indian “daughters” over the years. Each year their photographs arrive and we see how they have grown and matured. Their letters give us a special connection that we look forward to.
Twice we personally have met David Purviance (the executive director and son of the founders). The stories he tells of the lives of the street children before they were rescued by the various homes are heart-breaking, and his passion for helping the neediest of children is inspiring. David doesn’t just sit in an office, but has made many trips to India visiting the homes and making sure that our money is well spent.
Recently we were able to help provide funds for an Indian couple to build a new “home” for 50 children who used to live on the streets. Videos on the website show us the joy of the boys and girls as they moved in. ~ Sue
Sponsoring for over thirty years
I’m sure that there are many wonderful charities in our world, but none of them are more caring and compassionate than World’s Children. My family and I have been sponsors for over thirty years. We have watched the little children evolve from homeless, starving street waifs into fine young adults with skills that will enable them to lead successful and happy lives. World’s Children is a true charity–only a very small percentage of donations is used for administrative costs. The Director and his wife have dedicated their lives to this cause. I know that my money will be used to help the neediest children in the world. I just wish I could give more! ~ Evelyn
Sponsor Comments
God bless your wonderful work. The children deserve the happiness you provide. I wish I could feed all the world’s children, but I’m 90 years old. ~ Florence, sponsoring since 1970
I really enjoy that I am able to communicate with the child I am sponsoring. I also get very excited when I see mail from World’s Children. I really enjoy working with your organization. ~ Cassandra sponsoring since 2010
Thank you for your fine organization and allowing us the privilege of helping these needy and deserving children. ~ Harrison and Mariah sponsoring since 1970
Thank you for taking the time to show me the results of my humble donation in improving conditions for the children at the Balavikasita orphanage, and for including the nice thank-you letter from Mr. Kumar. It was especially helpful and gratifying to see actual images of the accomplished work. You surely have many things begging for your time, but we donors are quite grateful that you treat us so attentively and kindly. May God bless you and your staff in all your noble efforts. ~ Don sponsoring since 1984
You do wonderful work, and I am pleased to support your efforts for these deserving children.
Thanks for your commitment to the World’s Children organization that touches so many children of the world. ~ Jim and Judy sponsoring since 1980
Thank you again. Your small office staff does an admirable job in furthering the welfare of children and I am glad to contribute to such a well-run organization. ~ Barbara sponsoring since 1989
I appreciate your newsletter with information about the children and their homes. Also, the work of people involved with WC. I am proud to have supported WC over the years. ~ Nancy sponsoring since 1969
Thank you so much for all the time and effort and love you all do for these darling children. What would they do without your care and concern through the World’s Children organization! ~ Patricia sponsoring since 1983
Thank you very much for all the new ways you are trying to make life better and healthier for the children in the orphanages. I do also enjoy your newsletters and photos and your focus on special needs of the orphanages. ~ Terry sponsoring since 1978
God Bless You for all the many children you try to help! We have been blessed to help sponsor children and the beautiful women who brought your name to us. I’m now 94 years old and first started through our United Methodist Women. ~ Cole United Methodist Church sponsoring since 1974
Thank you for looking after these children. ~ Martha Sue sponsoring since 2007
We truly enjoy the letter/photos/progress reports from and about the children—we also enjoy hearing what the staff sees and hears when they travel to and report from the various homes. You are all on the right track as you address structure needs and other areas that affect all the children. Keep up the good work! ~ Steve and Mary Ellen sponsoring since 1984
You all are wonderful! ~ Jim and Marsha sponsoring since 1979
What an incredible organization! May God continue to bless you and “OUR” Children! ~ Phil sponsoring since 1997
Thanks for all you do and for sharing news and updates from the homes. ~ Carolyn sponsoring since 1995
Keep up the great work! We enjoy learning more about the needs of the children and villages and how we can help. You are revitalizing World’s Children and helping MANY children. ~ Dean sponsoring since 1991
We think World’s Children is doing a wonderful job and making great progress. ~ Michael and Catherine sponsoring since 1980
Thank you for caring so much about these children. Denifi [sponsored child] is so appreciative. We appreciate the opportunity to help. ~ Ralph and Joy sponsoring since 1983
We would be most happy to sponsor Swetha. We’ve been sponsors since our own children were young. It has brought us a lot of joy. I’m proud to say that both our children are also sponsors. Please convey to Anto [their sponsored child who just graduated from college] that we are very proud of her. We pray she finds a job soon. As teachers ourselves, we know it is a very rewarding career. ~George and Lynne sponsoring since 1975
Thank you SO much for the DVD we received in the mail this week! How wonderful to see that the orphanage is open and filled with beautiful children. We never expected to see our names on a plaque anywhere, but your personal thank-you was quite touching and overwhelming. Your organization for children is one that we are so glad to support. ~ Beth and Ron sponsoring since 1981
Our sponsored daughter, Metrine has been part of our family for many years. We look so forward to our letters from Metrine each year. I so wish we could help more. When we win the lottery, you can be sure World’s Children’s needs will be first on our list! Until then, we will continue our sponsorship one child at a time and thank God for this awesome privilege. ~ Judy & Dick sponsoring since 2000
Thank you for the friendly correspondence you send. It nice to be treated like a friend and not just another sponsor. It truly means a great deal to us. Thanks again for the wonderful work you do to reach children around the world with the message of God’s love for them. ~ Pat and Penny sponsoring since 2002
It is wonderful that you can put such few dollars to such wide and good use. I am quite thankful that my wife found your worthy endeavor. ~ Don sponsoring since 1984
Anne & I are so grateful that we “discovered” World’s Children. You allow us to give back to India a small measure of the appreciation and love we have for the country and people. Thank you for providing such a wonderful, easy to use way for us to support your programs and the great work you allow us to help with in our own small way! It is totally a rewarding experience. The older I get the more I realize the basic truth in “it is better to give than to receive”. However the kicker is that “in giving we receive so much more.” ~ Dan and Anne sponsoring since 2014
Thanks for all you do. We always look forward to the informative and educational letters and newsletters that we receive. You are doing wonderful work, and we are happy to be part of it. ~ The Garden Church sponsoring since 1984
When I think of my blessings this Thanksgiving, I think of World’s Children. I feel so fortunate to be a part of it. I have learned so much about India and the culture of the country. To be able to sponsor my three children means so much. To be able to help them and make a difference in their lives is a true blessing for me. ~ Shirley sponsoring since 2002
Thank you for the wonderful thank you note and pictures of the project I donated to last year (Ushagram Girls’ Home new dormitory). I am posting the photos at church to show that in addition to our support of two children, there are also other projects and ways to help World’s Children. ~ Judy sponsoring since 1984
I must share that I was feeling rather negative and bitter about recent developments in politics. Then, today letters of thanks arrived from my sponsored child and my two scholarship students. These wonderful young people changed my mood from bitter to joyful. Your wonderful work is a reason to rejoice—and this wish for peace hope and happiness, if even for just three young lives—well there is hope. God bless you for your wonderful ministry. ~ Dr. Mary sponsoring since 1980
My heart soared when I saw the pictures of the boys at the orphanage in their comfy beds with linens! Thanks to donors who matched our donation, you negotiated a miraculous deal for more than I ever could have imagined. Yes, the letter of gratitude from the superintendent to us was the frosting on the cake! I am so happy that we could help. You always assure me that our donations are used for the stated purpose. That makes us happy. I am so grateful for your stewardship and allowing us to be a part of this wonderfully loving, but also effective program. ~ Pat and Joe sponsoring since 1998
May God bless you and all the World’s Children! We were so touched to receive your Christmas note. Thank you for such a kind gesture. We thoroughly enjoy being involved with World’s Children because we feel directly connected with the children – it’s a very personal, familial organization. ~ Mike and Kate, sponsoring since 2020
We sincerely thank you for the letter you sent informing us of the impact that our recent contributions made in the lives of the children served by World’s Children. Thank you so much for your continued commitment and service. You and your staff are making a tremendous difference in the world and we are honored to be a part of it. ~ Gary and Carolyn sponsoring since 1970
Thank you so much! I love what you guys do and that you provide a strong connection with sponsors and the children. I hope to be a lifetime supporter of this wonderful organization and the children involved. ~ Lindsay, sponsoring since 2020
The world’s children belong to all of us. It’s just that many people don’t see that. Thank you for making this giving possible – it has had an effect on me and I am so grateful to you and everyone there for widening my consciousness with all the stories and photos and my sponsored child. ~ Kate, sponsoring since 2018
Just a quick thank you for your kind letter regarding the use of our gift last year. This is all part of why we love World’s Children — the direct involvement and companionship of feeling part of the team that gets things done! You do all the hard work but we appreciate being even a tiny, distant part of it. God bless you all! ~ Mike and Kate, sponsoring since 1980