Inspiring Scholarship Stories

We believe that education is the key to ending poverty in our world

Our scholarship program has grown substantially over the last eight years. We are so proud of all the participants who have graduated with college degrees or vocational diplomas.

WC Scholarship students at SH Nursing College

In 2017, we had 61 students graduate.

They studied hard to get a degree, begin a career, and raise themselves out of poverty. Not only is it life changing for them, it also sets an example for the younger children.

History of the World’s Children Scholarship Program

Mable Purviance

Mable Purviance, co-founder of World’s Children, started the scholarship program and created an endowment for college scholarships in 1987 called The Mable B. Purviance Scholarship Fund. The endowment is currently valued at $234,200. An endowment lasts forever, because we only spend the interest it earns. The $17,984 in yearly endowment interest covers approximately 36 students.

Though Mable Purviance passed away many years ago, she continues to inspire us. She once wrote this to a scholarship donor:

All of us at World’s Children are so grateful. Thanks to you for your love gift. For many years, I have had a burden on my heart to do more to promote higher education for the young people in our homes who are endowed with keen minds and a desire to use them. We used to hear the expression, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste!” It still is, and you are helping greatly to open fields of endeavor. God bless you for your compassion and your generosity.

In 2017, we had 242 scholarship recipients, thanks to your generosity

61 graduated in 2017. We gave scholarships to young men and women who grew up in our orphanages and we also supported impoverished students at two nursing colleges. In 2017 85% were women. 83 students are expected to graduate in 2018.

Sad beginnings with happy endings

We wanted to share some of our scholarship success stories. We applaud them for their commitment in the face of obstacles. Some of these students were orphans. All came from very poor families.

Dharani’s Scholarship Success Story

Read the Scholarship Success Story of Dharani. The World’s Children Scholarship Program is making dreams come true.







































Dharani is one of many students to overcome heartbreaking challenges in her childhood and go on to college. With the help of the World’s Children Scholarship Program, Dharani’s lifelong dream of becoming a doctor is now a reality.

Give to the scholarship fund today to help more students like Dharani unlock their potential, and follow their passion.

Your donation will change lives, for good

Give for Scholarships

Read on for more inspiring scholarship stores

Ravi gets his masters degree

Ravi was first sponsored when he was 7 years old. Thanks to the help of his kind sponsor, Ravi has now received his masters degree in Microbiology. In this short video you can see photos of Ravi as he grows up and hear Ravi tell his story.

Tara’s Story

Tara was born into a poor family in India. Her parents were farmers stricken by drought. They brought Tara to the hostel when she was seven years old because they were struggling to raise their six children. They also valued the good education, care and love Tara would receive there.


A couple in the US has been supporting Tara for 14 years and this couple has been sponsoring children through World’s Children for 20 years. They currently sponsor four children. When they heard that Tara wanted to study nursing and midwifery, they agreed wholeheartedly to continue her support. Tara began her first year of nursing college in 2010 as a student of Auxilliary Nursing Midwifery. She completed the course and graduated in 2012. She is now well on her way to a bright and successful future.

In her last letter to her sponsor, Tara wrote: “…I have finished my training through your kind help. My family members are very grateful to you. Once again I am thanking you for your love and sacrificial support. Your loving daughter, Tara”

Loretta Worthington, Board Member

Loretta Worthington

Loretta Worthington

Board Member

Loretta met David Purviance on a chance trip in 2006, while seeking to be of service to the vulnerable children in India.  Since then, Loretta has been a longtime supporter of World’s Children as a donor, sponsor, and previous Board member.  She had the wonderful opportunity to return to India twice to visit several World’s Children orphanages, and even identified the Happy Home orphanage and petitioned to bring it into the WC family. Loretta raised funds to build a well at Happy Home, where it now has clean water for all the children and staff.

Loretta currently works with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services as the Program Manager for the six Medical Hubs – the child abuse evaluation clinics for the County. She also serves as the Program Manager for the County’s Gender Health Program, serving patients seeking gender-affirming care in a safe environment.  Before her work with Los Angeles County, Loretta spent many years serving non-profit organizations in CA and in MN, her last as the Executive Director of a statewide non-profit in MN. She has a long history of volunteer work including Board Member and Board Chair service, grant writing and fundraising experience, program development, and creative leadership, all serving our most vulnerable and disenfranchised populations.

Loretta holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Services, a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership.  She lives in Los Angeles County with her partner, Myck, and their rescue kitties, Scooter and Thunder.

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