Sanitation Project Underway for Hostel with 160 Boys

Katihar Boys’ Hostel needed new toilets. Thanks to you, this project is underway.

“We have 160 boys in the hostel. We want to give them better facilities so that their life here will be more comfortable. Due to lack of toilets, children are not having a proper time for their needs. Some are always late as they have to queue for the toilets.” —Father Xavier, Katihar Boys’ Hostel Administrator

160 boys live at Katihar Hostel in Bihar, India
160 boys at Katihar Hostel


Original Katihar Toilet Building
The original eight-toilet facility


“We had only eight toilets for day use and two for night use. In 2013 World’s Children added six more toilets for day use and in 2016 they built six for night use.

“The six toilets made in 2013 were damaged by hail and the veranda between the toilets has no roof. During the rain the children get wet when they go in and come out to the toilet. So, we plan to build a concrete roof that will last long.”

When the toilets were build by WC in 2013
When the toilets funded by WC were new in 2013

Toilet Building now
The WC toilet building in 2022


“We are planning to put the new toilet building near the old set of toilets. We are going to put tiles on the floor and two feet high on the walls. We are planning to have running water for the toilets. The children use the hand pump for their morning wash.” —Father Xavier, Katihar Boys’ Hostel Administrator

Katihar boys in warm jackets provided by WC donors
Katihar boys in warm jackets provided by WC donors


This project is underway. Stay tuned for updates.

When we work together we can do so much to make life so much better for children like these sweet boys!


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